Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pepsi and Dance: A Marketing Tool Then and Now!

Pepsi's most memorial encounter with using a dance icon as apart of its marketing campaign came in 1984 with Michael Jackson's advertisement for Pepsi in which the singer's hair caught on fire during filming.

An extended cut of Nicki Minaj's Pepsi commercial landed online this weekend, and a remix of the rapper/singer's "Moment for Life" provides the soundtrack to a video that features a couple quite literally living in a series of frozen moments.

Check out Michael's Commercial: WE LOVE YOU RIP :(

  Nicki's  enhanced commercial features numerous flashmob scenes captured and then sped up at the end to reflect the meaning of the songs and lyrics and is Pepsi's attempt to reassociate itself with pop culture now in 2012. 

What an Approach to Cancer ....Using a Flashmob!

On Saturday, April 23, 2011 at approximately 12 noon, almost 200 people gathered for Baltimore's First Glee Flash Mob to raise awareness for Blood Cancer. Donations were made to the  Leukemia & Lymphoma Society at http://mdc.lls.llsevent.org/flashmob

Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
11350 McCormick Road
Executive Plaza III Suite 100